The Discipline Financial Plan is ideal for people who want a holistic financial planning process, estate planning, retirement planning, cash optimization and investment management. 

The Discipline Financial Plan offers the following benefits:

  • A comprehensive assessment of your financial plan.
  • Estate planning and retirement planning. 
  • Tax optimization and tax loss harvesting.
  • Investment management, rebalancing and cash optimization. 
  • The Discipline Financial Plan starts at 0.45% of assets under management. Fees may be negotiable. 

The Discipline Portfolio Manager is ideal for people who want a low cost and customized portfolio management service but don’t have the time or discipline to manage it on their own.

The Discipline Portfolio Manager offers the following benefits:

  • A comprehensive assessment of current funds and fees to streamline tax and fee efficiency.
  • A full-time personalized asset manager so you can focus on what you’re best at. 
  • Rebalancing, reinvesting and cash optimization. 
  • A flat fee option of $4,500 per year. Fees may be negotiable.